
Whistleblowing at Ferskify Norway

Ferskify Norway always endeavors to act sustainably in the long run, prioritizing the well-being of Ferskify Norway’s employees and other values. As a complement to an open business culture, Ferskify Norway has a whistleblower solution, NorthWhistle, where anyone who knows of or has suspicions of serious misconduct within the organization can report this anonymously.

Who can report?

  1. Employees
  2. Volunteers
  3. Trainees
  4. Individuals working under the control and direction of an operator
  5. Self-employed individuals
  6. Members of the administrative, management, or supervisory body, if the operator is an organization
  7. Active shareholders in the company, if the operator is a limited company

Reporting within the Organization

Anonymous reporting is available, and upon submission, you will receive a case number to track progress during the investigation. For secure access to the reporting tool, you may receive a password or be requested to provide your phone number. If providing a phone number, please note that it remains confidential and is solely used for login purposes, not visible to Ferskify Norway. As per the Whistleblower Act, you have the legal entitlement to receive a confirmation message within 7 days of reporting and feedback within 3 months from the confirmation.

Reporting to External Entities

If you’ve internally reported within Ferskify Norway but haven’t received the entitled response under whistleblower legislation, you have the option to externally report your case to government-appointed authorities. This external reporting ensures protection against retaliation.

Raise a Concern

Report concerns about your organization and check your case status by logging in. Submit reports orally, in writing, or schedule a meeting.